new zealand coffee review (archive)

This site is no longer active; many of the cafes closed after the 2011 earthquake, and it was formally archived in 2019. Thanks for visiting!

user: guerillajustice

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Reviews by guerillajustice:

Review of C1 Espresso by guerillajustice on Thu, 17 Aug 2006:

guerillajustice are currently holding a protest against C1 until the coffee they serve instore is fair trade.

They do offer fair trade coffee to take home with you, which is great, but you can't buy a cup of fair trade coffee instore.

"It would take f**king ages if everyone could choose which kind of coffee they wanted" according to a telephone discussion, so the only option is to trade their standard Krank blend for a fair trade blend.

Here at guerillajustice we love the atmosphere of C1 and we want to be able to go there with a clear conscience. Once C1 has made the move to fair trade, we will resume our custom there, and start protesting against another unfair trade cafe.

One of our demonstrators has been banned from C1 for "harrassing the staff". In actual fact all he did was visit C1 5 times over the span of a week and ask the question "Is your coffee fair trade?"

This is the same question we want you to be asking C1, and other cafes. Let them know you're not happy that the coffee they sell, and you buy, is opppressing Third World workers.

The market coffee price is at a 30-year low. But many different brands of fair trade coffee are now avaiable. There is no excuse in this day and age to sell unfair trade coffee.

For more information, visit

- Y, guerillajustice co-founder


Pictures from guerillajustice: