WHERE: 45 Pipitea St, Thorndon, Wellington (STREET MAP)
PHONE: (04) 499 2379 (SEE WHITE PAGES)
WIRELESS INTERNET: Cafenet wireless
Added by Coffee Monster on Tue, 04 Apr 2006.
I went to this cafe a number of times and had a very average experience with the coffee, seem to like to serve coffee in rather large mugs which takes away the quality.
Very average service, coffee and food.
I ordered a large flat white, because with most cafes a regular flat white comes in a tiny cup - which isn't what I want. However I was impressed/scared when I was presented with a *huge* mug, filled with a flat white. It was literally the biggest flat white I'd ever encountered. As a result, the coffee was slightly diluted with the water. But still, a nice coffee :-)